SuperBoring aims to create a lovable, hands-free Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) application using the Superfluid Protocol primitives such as Money Streaming and Distribution Pools. The long-term vision possibly includes evolving this into a full-blown exchange.
General Architecture
The diagram below presents the high-level architecture of SuperBoring:

Figure 1: High-level architecture of the proposed solution.
SuperBoring consists of the following components:
- SuperBoring Contract: A Factory responsible for deploying TOREX-s and distributing rewards.
- TOREX: It stands for T(WAP) OR(acle) EX(change). It is a unique way to continuously swap tokens accumulated by money streaming. To learn more about TOREX, please refer to the TOREX page.
- Reward Token: A simple Pure Super Token.
- Distribution Pools: A pool based on Superfluid's Distribution Pools primitive to infinitely scale one-to-many token distributions.
- In-token: The source asset which the user is streaming to the SuperBoring contract.
- Out-token: The target asset which the user getting our of the SuperBoring contract.
If you are new to Superfluid, you probably are unfamiliar with the Distribution Pools. We recommend you read the Superfluid documentation to get a better understanding of these concepts.
Referrals System
An integral part of SuperBoring's strategy for achieving viral growth is the implementation of a user-friendly referral system. This system is designed to incentivize users to refer others without penalizing new users.
Referral Codes as Addresses: In this innovative approach, a user’s Ethereum address serves as their referral code. This eliminates the need for generating separate referral codes, as users can use their existing Ethereum addresses to refer others.
Incentives for Referring New Users: When a referred user starts Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) with SuperBoring, the referrer’s token reward flow rate increases. The increase in the flow rate is calculated based on the activity of the referred user, encouraging existing users to bring in new participants to the platform.
Simplified Integration: The referral system is designed to be integrated directly within the SuperBoring contracts, avoiding the need for additional contracts. This simplification helps in maintaining a streamlined user experience and reduces the complexity of the system.
Prevention of Self-Referral: To maintain fairness and discourage gaming of the system, self-referrals are not allowed. This is particularly enforced by prohibiting referrals from the same Ethereum address.
This referral system is expected to play a crucial role in driving user engagement and expanding the user base of SuperBoring, contributing significantly to its growth and success. To learn more about the referral program, please head to the Referrals section.